Parental Portal
Parental Portal Registration Instructions
Unicorn uses an administration system called “Staffroom”. This is an online based system and has several useful features; both for the school and for parents. One of the parental features is the Parental Portal. This portal is called the Intouch Parent/Student portal and is there for your convenience to access relevant school information regarding your child/children.
To access the portal please execute the following steps.
Click on the following URL link, or copy and paste the URL into your browser address bar:
This will open the registration page - Click on Register.
Enter your email address using the following email address as recorded in Staffroom NB! This email address must be the one you have supplied to the school. If your email address has changed you will need to email Mrs Ismail-Dramat on so that we can update it on our system. Email addresses which have not been uploaded onto our system will not be allowed to register for the parental portal.
Select “As Parent” from the drop down.
Select Create Account.
Once completed you will be sent a confirmation email which will include a link you can use to complete your registration.
Click on the link to go to the Intouch Portal Login Page where you will need to enter your email address and new password to access the website.
Please note there are password restrictions and the password must meet the following Criteria:
The password has to be at least 8 characters
Contain at least one upper case character
Contain at least one alphanumeric character
Should you need any help please select the Need Help? link on the registration page or contact the school on or 015 307 2840.
Tying in with our admin system is our calendar. All events and functions can be seen on the Parental Portal Calendar.