Foundation Phase
Building Solid Foundations
At Unicorn Preparatory School, the years from Grade R to Grade 3 are known as the Foundation Phase. We have a team of dedicated teachers who are deeply committed to developing an holistic and balanced education in a nurturing learning environment. We also have additional assistance for pupils who require learning support. A full time Remedial teacher is available on our premises.
Unicorn Preparatory School has six classes from Grade 1 to Grade 3 and here the children are exposed to more formal learning where critical thinking, collaborating, problem solving and facilitating others forms a significant part of the curriculum. Included are three supervised play areas with jungle gyms and sandpits and large shady trees. Our classes are all equipped with SMART boards that are installed with broadband internet connection (with software especially designed to safeguard children). Information Technology and Robotics forms part of the curriculum from Grade R to Grade 3 where the pupils have access to the Computer Centre.
Two local occupational therapists work with selected Grades in the Foundation Phase every week where they run a group stimulation programme. A speech therapist is available once a week for pupils who require this specialised group therapy. These lessons prove to be most beneficial for all the pupils. All the Foundation Phase classes attend a media lesson where they nurture a love for reading and books. The Travelling Bookshop visits our school regularly and the children wait in anticipation to purchase new and exciting books.
The Foundation Phase pupils are introduced to a variety of basic sport skills during their extra-curricular session from 13:45 to 14:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. This includes swimming, mini netball, mini hockey, rugby & tag rugby, soccer, tennis and ball skills. Junior chess is also offered. A homework period follows the sports session from 14:45 to 15:30 each day.
Each term a phase activity is arranged in which all classes from Grade R to Grade 3 participate. These include a cycle day (The Tour-de-Unicorn), Penguin Day, Bully Awareness Week, an English Festival & Readathon week, Spelling Bee Competition, Maths Mania week and a Science Festival.
Music forms an integral part of all our pupils learning experience where drumming, percussion, body movement, singing and music appreciation are all culminated into a delightful Cultural Show annually which also includes drama and art. The Grade 3 children lead the annual Foundation Phase prize giving ceremony confidently and eloquently.
In the Foundation Phase each grade goes on an educational, curriculum-based outing once a term. These hands-on excursions form a valuable basis for learning experience out of the classroom. Every effort is made to ensure that pupils are able to function as members of a team and that they have a sound foundation and academic background on which to build.
Teaching sound moral values forms an important part of the curriculum. Wherever possible, activities are child-centred, and pupils are encouraged to think critically and share responsibility in the learning process.