IT & Computers
Unicorn Preparatory School uses Knowledge Network as the basis for all our IT and Computer studies. We are proud to be associated with Knowledge Network. Knowledge Network (K-Net for short) was established in October 1994 for people of all ages to learn how to use technology as a tool for school, work, varsity, for life and learning.
Pre-school – Grd 000 to Grd 0
Primary – Grd 04 to Grd 06/ 07
High – for learners not doing technology subjects CAT and IT – Grd 07 /08 to Grd 12
In-School Diploma Programme – for learners not doing technology subjects CAT and IT – Grd 07 / 08 to Grd 12 (KN Level 01 to KN Level 05)
Sessions Plans, projects and assessments
KN Certification – Grd 04 to Grd 12 (KN SP Level 01 M to KN Level 05)
Teacher upskilling
Integrated learning
E-Learning Readiness® and E-learning extensions
Technology, communication, coding where required, entrepreneurial and life skills
Learning is easy, fun, achievement and performance driven