
Encouraging Participation at All Levels

At Unicorn Preparatory we believe that education goes beyond the classroom and that fairness and being a team player is taught on the sports field.  We actively encourage our children to participate in both sport and other extra curricular activities on a regular basis. Unicorn offers a stimulating range of options including:


Unicorn also allows outsider coaches to use our facilities for extracurricular activities.  Some of these include:


Many of our children take part in non school activities and some excellent results are produced.  These activities include:

We encourage mass participation and, while teams are chosen, we believe that every child who takes part and attends regular practices should be allowed at least one chance to participate in their team.

We have a strong cultural program at Unicorn Prep and children of all ages are encouraged to take part. 

We encourage all our children to participate in at least one extracurricular activity per term.  By doing this we are able to develop a sense of team participation in the children.

We have an excellent track record with regards to the extracurricular program at Unicorn Prep and with continued support will grow from year to year.

Unicorn staff generally coach our teams, which we believe is good as we get to know each child outside the classroom.  However, we do receive much appreciated assistance from parents and outside experts.

Sports tours are organised from time to time and are always well received by the children.